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1、河北經(jīng)貿(mào)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文《中國—東盟自由貿(mào)易區(qū)爭(zhēng)端解決機(jī)制協(xié)議》評(píng)析姓名:閆正申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):國際法指導(dǎo)教師:趙樸英20081201Abstract November 4 in 2002, Premier Zhu Rong ji and leaders of 10 ASEAN countries signed the 《China - ASEAN Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Eco

2、nomic Cooperation》,which marks the China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation has entered a new historical stage. It has laid a solid foundation for further development of economic co-operation for these countries. With

3、the incensement on trade, trade-disputes inevitably arise. We must properly handle in the disputes of future economic and trade exchanges between the two sides. Thus effectively safeguarding the free trade area by the es

4、tablishment of its own dispute settlement mechanism is indispensable. November 29, 2004, the enactment of《Agreement on Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-Operation Betwee

5、n the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the People’s Republic of China》 for the Free Trade Area provides a legal protection. Author believes that with the dispute settlement mechanism of CAFTA to more scientific

6、 and more rational in practice, it will promote more rapid development of bilateral economic .So, to study the dispute settlement mechanism of CAFTA is very essential. At the same time, in light of China's national c

7、onditions, corresponding countermeasures to the dispute settlement mechanism to effectively protect our legitimate interests. The thesis analyzed from four parts: One, it analyzes the background on the Dispute Settlemen

8、t Mechanism of CAFTA; Two, it analyzes the similarity and defference between the dispute settlement mechanisms of CAFTA and of other free trade regions; Three, it analyzes the positive effects and defects of the Dispute

9、Settlement Mechanism of CAFTA, and put forward to some suggestions about improving the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of CAFTA; Four, it analyzes the influences of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of CAFTA on our China and


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