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1、 專業(yè)學(xué)位碩士研究生學(xué)位論文 新 疆 大 學(xué) 論文題目 論文題目(中文 中文): 烏魯木齊三新區(qū)間地鐵隧道淺埋暗挖法施工 烏魯木齊三新區(qū)間地鐵隧道淺埋暗挖法施工地表沉降研究 地表沉降研究 論文題目 論文題目(外文 外文):Study on Urumqi San-Xin interval surface settlement of metro tunnel under shallow buried excavation method 研究

2、生姓名: 研究生姓名: 王 翀 學(xué) 位 類 別: 別: 專業(yè)學(xué)位 專業(yè)學(xué)位 專 業(yè) 名 稱: 稱: 建筑與土木工程 建筑與土木工程 導(dǎo)師姓名職稱: 導(dǎo)師姓名職稱:秦?fù)碥?秦?fù)碥?(教授) (教授) 論文答辯日期 2017 年 05 月 20 日 學(xué)位授予日期 年 月 日 新疆大學(xué)碩士研究生學(xué)位論文 II Abstract Based on the simple analysis of the mechani

3、sm of surface subsidence caused by the construction of shallow buried excavation, the factors that affect the surface settlement are summarized. Taking Urumqi Metro Line 1 Three-New district as an example, the data coll

4、ection monitoring section, focusing on the excavation method, the overlying soil lithology, buried depth of the tunnel axis and other factors were discussed, analysis of different factors on the effect of surface subside

5、nce, summarizes the regularity of surface tunnel construction under different settlement influence factors. Then, to further explore the variation of prediction parameters Peck method and stochastic medium method, throug

6、h the screening of range of typical monitoring section data, verify the applicability of the method in Urumqi area, and is used to predict the parameters of Peck equation and stochastic medium method in inversion, and fi

7、tted out fitting empirical formula of measured data the region based on engineering. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Each section of the tunnel excavation and the resulting lateral surface settlement trough, the shap

8、e of a single peak, basically consistent with the Gauss normal distribution curve; Peck formula in the prediction of large cross-section tunnel has good applicability. (2) In the use of medium method for surface subsiden

9、ce prediction immediately, in order to make it suitable for shallow and large section tunnel, the convergence model is modified, considering that the tunnel bottom uplift of the non-uniform convergence mode, the engineer

10、ing examples show that the convergence mode compared to the original traditional model has a better prediction precision high. (3) The empirical values of the location of the reverse bend point, the formation loss rate,

11、the convergence radius of the section, the central displacement of the section and the influence angle are fitted. The reference is provided for the subsequent construction of Urumqi metro. Key words: shallow buried tunn


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