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1、河北工業(yè)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文天津市承接國際服務(wù)外包對(duì)產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)影響的研究姓名:黃媛媛申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):國際貿(mào)易學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:俞會(huì)新2010-12天津市承接國際服務(wù)外包對(duì)產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)影響的研究 ii THE IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL SERVICE OUTSOUTING ON INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE IN TIANJIN ABSTRACT Nowadays, the rapid development

2、 speed of service outsourcing industry has aroused extensive concern in the international society, China is also undertaking a large number of international service outsourcing business ,which creates great opportunit

3、ies for the development of China's service industry. With the construction of Binhai New Area, the development of Tianjin has attracted worldwide attention and Tianjin undertakes a large number of international ser

4、vice outsourcing, With the expansion of international service outsourcing scale and types,as a new form of outsourcing, The influence and effect mechanism of international service outsourcing Tianjin undertook to indu

5、stry structure raise attention from more and more scholars.The issues are discussed and analyzed in this article . Foreign scholars carried out the research on outsourcing much earlier than domestic scholars, the res

6、earch field is mainly concentrated on economic benefit analysis of service outsourcing for the party awarding contract and service outsourcing motivation. Domestic scholars mainly analysis the economic impact of outs

7、ourcing from the perspective of the contractor country. Learn the mode of service outsourcing development in India to discuss how to promote industrial upgrading. Outsourcing data is very difficult to be collected, par

8、ticularly for the contractor countries,so most scholars analysis and research the relationship between service outsourcing and industry structure from the perspective of theory and case.This arctics takes Tianjin for

9、 instance to analysis three transmission mechanism of the impact of outsourcing to the industrial structure.and the use of empirical methods to analyze the Tianjin international service outsourcing on three industries:

10、 software, financial and biomedical industry structure, to verify the theoretical analysis. In this background, this paper outlines the the present situation of the development of service outsourcing and industrial s

11、tructure of Tianjin, points out some service outsourcing industry development problems.At first, analysing the transmission mechanism of employment effects, technology spillover effects, capital accumulation effect o

12、f service outsourcing on the industrial structure from the theoretical point of view,then analysing the transmission mechanism of Tianjin international service outsourcing to the industrial structure of Tianjin subdivi

13、sion industries. Panel data model is used to do empirical analysis to verify the influence mechanism. Finally, making the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for sub-industries try to solve the Tianjin inter


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