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1、<p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  外文資料:</b></p><p><b>  Robots</b></p><p>  First, I explain the background robots, robot technology development

2、. It should be said it is a common scientific and technological development of a comprehensive results, for the socio-economic development of a significant impact on a science and technology. It attributed the developmen

3、t of all countries in the Second World War to strengthen the economic input on strengthening the country's economic development. But they also demand the development of the productive forces the inevitable result<

4、/p><p>  Robots are three stages of development, in other words, we are accustomed to regarding robots are divided into three categories. is a first-generation robots, also known as teach-type robot, it is thro

5、ugh a computer, to control over one of a mechanical degrees of freedom Through teaching and information stored procedures, working hours to read out information, and then issued a directive so the robot can repeat accor

6、ding to the people at that time said the results show this kind of movement aga</p><p>  Now, I would like to briefly outline some of the industrial robot situation. So far, the industrial robot is the most

7、mature and widely used category of a robot, now the world's total sales of 1.1 million Taiwan, which is the 1999 statistics, however, 1.1 million in Taiwan have been using the equipment is 75 million, this volume is

8、not small. Overall, the Japanese industrial robots in this one, is the first of the robots to become the Kingdom, the United States have developed rapidly. Newly inst</p><p>  Spot welding robot is the auto

9、production line, improve production efficiency and raise the quality of welding car, reduce the labor intensity of a robot. It is characterized by two pairs of robots for spot welding of steel plate, bearing a great need

10、 for the welding tongs, general in dozens of kilograms or more, then its speed in meters per second a 5-2 meter of such high-speed movement. So it is generally five to six degrees of freedom, load 30 to 120 kilograms, th

11、e great space, probably expec</p><p>  The second category of service robots, with the development of industrialization, especially in the past decade, Robot development in the areas of application are conti

12、nuously expanding, and now a very important characteristic, as we all know, Robot has gradually shifted from manufacturing to non-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging

13、to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relie</p><p>  For example, domestic robot is mainly embodied in the example of some of the carpets

14、and flooring it to the regular cleaning and vacuuming. The robot it is very meaningful, it has sensors, it can furniture and people can identify, It automatically according to a law put to the ground under the road all c

15、leaned up. This is also the home of some robot performance.</p><p>  The medical robots, nearly five years of relatively rapid development of new application areas. If people in the course of an operation, d

16、octors surgery, is a fatigue, and the other manually operated accuracy is limited. Some universities in Germany, which, facing the spine, lumbar disc disease, the identification, can automatically use the robot-aided pos

17、itioning, operation and surgery Like the United States have been more than 1,000 cases of human eyeball robot surgery, the robot, also includ</p><p>  In reality, this right as a human liberation is a very

18、good robots, medical robots it is very complex, while it is fully automated to complete all the work, there are difficulties, and generally are people to participate. This is America, the development of such a surgery Li

19、n Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States

20、 has </p><p>  Robot is mankind's right-hand man; friendly coexistence can be a reliable friend. In future, we will see and there will be a robot space inside, as a mutual aide and friend. Robots will c

21、reate the jobs issue. We believe that there would not be a "robot appointment of workers being laid off" situation, because people with the development of society, In fact the people from the heavy physical and

22、 dangerous environment liberated, so that people have a better position to work, to create a better sp</p><p><b>  譯文資料:</b></p><p><b>  機(jī)器人</b></p><p>  首先我


24、體力勞動(dòng),實(shí)現(xiàn)人們對(duì)不可達(dá)世界的認(rèn)識(shí)和改造,這也是人們?cè)诳萍及l(fā)展過(guò)程中的一個(gè)客觀需要。</p><p>  機(jī)器人有三個(gè)發(fā)展階段,那么也就是說(shuō),我們習(xí)慣于把機(jī)器人分成三類,一種是第一代機(jī)器人,那么也叫示教再現(xiàn)型機(jī)器人,它是通過(guò)一個(gè)計(jì)算機(jī),來(lái)控制一個(gè)多自由度的一個(gè)機(jī)械,通過(guò)示教存儲(chǔ)程序和信息,工作時(shí)把信息讀取出來(lái),然后發(fā)出指令,這樣的話機(jī)器人可以重復(fù)的根據(jù)人當(dāng)時(shí)示教的結(jié)果,再現(xiàn)出這種動(dòng)作,比方說(shuō)汽車的點(diǎn)焊機(jī)器人,它


26、來(lái),它能夠通過(guò)視覺(jué),能夠去感受和識(shí)別它的形狀、大小、顏色。抓一個(gè)雞蛋,它能通過(guò)一個(gè)觸覺(jué),知道它的力的大小和滑動(dòng)的情況。第三代機(jī)器人,也是我們機(jī)器人學(xué)中一個(gè)理想的所追求的最高級(jí)的階段,叫智能機(jī)器人,那么只要告訴它做什么,不用告訴它怎么去做,它就能完成運(yùn)動(dòng)</p><p>  下邊我簡(jiǎn)單介紹一下工業(yè)機(jī)器人的一些情況。到目前為止,工業(yè)機(jī)器人是最成熟,應(yīng)用最廣泛的一類機(jī)器人,世界總量目前已經(jīng)銷售110萬(wàn)臺(tái),這是1999年

27、的統(tǒng)計(jì),但這110萬(wàn)臺(tái)在已經(jīng)進(jìn)行裝備使用的是75萬(wàn)臺(tái),這個(gè)量也是不小的??傮w情況看,日本在工業(yè)機(jī)器人這一塊,是首位的,成為機(jī)器人的王國(guó),美國(guó)發(fā)展也很迅速,目前在新安裝的臺(tái)數(shù)方面,已經(jīng)超過(guò)了日本,中國(guó)剛開(kāi)始進(jìn)入產(chǎn)業(yè)化的階段,已經(jīng)研制出多種工業(yè)機(jī)器人樣機(jī),已有小批量在生產(chǎn)中使用。</p><p>  點(diǎn)焊機(jī)器人主要是針對(duì)汽車生產(chǎn)線,提高生產(chǎn)效率,提高汽車焊接的質(zhì)量,降低工人的勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度的一種機(jī)器人。它的特點(diǎn)是通過(guò)機(jī)器人


29、以一般的機(jī)器人有六個(gè)自由度,就能把空間的三個(gè)位置,三個(gè)姿態(tài),機(jī)器人完全實(shí)現(xiàn),當(dāng)然也有小于六個(gè)自由度的,也有多于六個(gè)自由度的機(jī)器人,只是在不同的需要場(chǎng)合來(lái)配置。</p><p>  第二類是服務(wù)機(jī)器人,隨著工業(yè)化的發(fā)展,尤其近十年以來(lái),機(jī)器人的發(fā)展的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域在不斷拓寬,目前一個(gè)很重要的特征,大家都知道,機(jī)器人已經(jīng)從制造業(yè)逐漸轉(zhuǎn)向了非制造業(yè)和服務(wù)行業(yè),剛才談的汽車制造屬于是制造業(yè),但服務(wù)行業(yè)包括清潔、加油、救護(hù)、搶險(xiǎn)

30、、救災(zāi)這些等等,都屬于非制造行業(yè)和服務(wù)行業(yè),那么這里邊跟工業(yè)機(jī)器人相比,它有一個(gè)很重要的不同,它主要是一個(gè)移動(dòng)平臺(tái),它能夠移動(dòng)、去運(yùn)動(dòng),上面有一些手臂進(jìn)行操作,同時(shí)還裝有一些像力覺(jué)傳感器和視覺(jué)傳感器、超聲測(cè)距傳感器等等。它對(duì)周邊的環(huán)境進(jìn)行識(shí)別,來(lái)判斷它的運(yùn)動(dòng),完成某種工作,這是服務(wù)機(jī)器人的基本的一個(gè)特點(diǎn)。</p><p>  例如,家務(wù)機(jī)器人主要體現(xiàn)在像一些對(duì)地毯和地板定期的它能夠進(jìn)行清掃和吸塵,它這個(gè)機(jī)器人很有

31、意思,它有傳感器,它能夠把家具和人能識(shí)別出來(lái),它自動(dòng)的按照一種規(guī)律,能根據(jù)路徑把地面全部的清掃干凈,這也是家務(wù)中一些機(jī)器人的表現(xiàn)。</p><p>  那么醫(yī)療機(jī)器人,是近五年來(lái)發(fā)展比較迅速的一個(gè)新的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域。如果人手術(shù)的時(shí)候,醫(yī)生來(lái)手術(shù),一個(gè)是疲勞,另一個(gè)人手操作的精度還是有限的。在德國(guó)一些大學(xué)里面,面向人的脊椎,如腰間盤突出這種病,進(jìn)行識(shí)別以后,能夠自動(dòng)地用機(jī)器人來(lái)輔助進(jìn)行定位,進(jìn)行操作和手術(shù)。像美國(guó)已經(jīng)有一


33、術(shù)這樣一個(gè)例子,人通過(guò)在屏幕上,通過(guò)一個(gè)遙控操作手來(lái)控制另一個(gè)機(jī)械手,實(shí)現(xiàn)通過(guò)對(duì)人的腹腔進(jìn)行手術(shù),前幾年我們國(guó)家展覽會(huì)上,美國(guó)已經(jīng)成功的實(shí)現(xiàn)了對(duì)人的心臟瓣膜的手術(shù)和搭橋手術(shù),這已經(jīng)在機(jī)器人領(lǐng)域中,引起了很大的轟動(dòng),還包括,AESOP的這種外科手術(shù)機(jī)器人,它實(shí)際上通過(guò)一些儀器能夠?qū)θ说囊恍┎∽冞M(jìn)行</p><p>  機(jī)器人是人類的得力助手,能友好相處的可靠朋友,將來(lái)我們會(huì)看到人和機(jī)器人會(huì)存在一個(gè)空間里邊,成為一個(gè)


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