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1、河北大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文城市群的形成與區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展姓名:王青申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):世界經(jīng)濟指導(dǎo)教師:孫執(zhí)中20040601目 錄 IIAbstract Some economists assert that the basic unit of international economic competition is not an enterprise or a country in 21st c

2、entury, but megalopolis. The division of labour, cooperation and competition between megalopolises will determine the pattern of the international economy and politics in the future. Megalopolis may

3、 get complementary effect on economy, accelerate to eliminate binary structure with higher speed on society, alleviate tropical island effect of city on ecology and benefit the blending of vari

4、ety on culture, and it is helpful to make “ aircraft carrier “for China's urbanization construction and regional economic growth ability. So, studying megalopolis and regarding it as one of

5、 the development model of regional economy, can provide a kind of enlightenment for regional economic development of our country. There are many experts and scholars have made plenty of researches on meg

6、alopolis. Especially the foreign experts have put forward the concept concerning megalopolis, metropolitan area, metropolis continuous district, and so on. They have made mature exploration no matter in theory or in pr

7、actice. But these researches are around of urbanization problem, and have made relatively detailed introduction to concept, development condition and development prospect of megalopolis. This thesis links metro

8、polis with development of the regional economy on the basis of researches of a lot of experts and scholars, and aim at how to promote the regional economy of our country and even the great dev

9、elopment of nation- wide economy through metropolis while accelerating the urbanization. The thesis has firstly explained the relations of metropolis and regional economic development. Secondly it has i

10、ntroduced the impact of foreign metropolises on regional economic development as well as the present situation of metropolis development of our country. Finally it has analyzed the problem of metropolis developmen


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