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1、Unit 3,The million pound bank note,Grammar,Noun clauses as the object and predicative.,名詞性從句,賓語從句,表語從句,結(jié)構(gòu)形式,名詞性從句相當(dāng)于名詞,可分別作主句的主語、表語、賓語和同位語。因此,名詞性從句可分為主語從句、表語從句 、賓語從句和同位語從句。,賓語從句在復(fù)合句中起賓語作用,可以作動詞的賓語,也可以作介詞的賓語。,I. 賓語從句,引

2、導(dǎo)賓語從句詞有:,連詞that,if,whether;,連接代詞who,whose,what,which;,連接副詞when,where,how, why等。,1) I think (that) women can reach very high achievements in many fields of science.2) I wonder whether/if she remembered how many babies sh

3、e had delivered.,The Object Clause,3) Do you know who/whom Jack was speaking to?4) He asked whose car it was.5) Pay attention to what the doctor said.,6) Please tell me when the earthquake took place.7) Will you tell

4、me how I can keep fit and healthy?,(1)大部分賓語從句直接跟在動詞后:,He doesn’t know where the post office is.,做動詞的賓語,(2)有些賓語從句前要有間接賓語:,He told me what I should read.,(3)如果賓語從句后面有賓語補(bǔ)足語,要使用形式賓語 it 而將從句放到補(bǔ)足語后面;,I thought it strange tha

5、t he failed tocall me.,(4)在think, believe, suppose, expect等動詞之后的賓語從句中,如果從句謂語是否定含義,則不用否定形式,而將主句謂語動詞think等變?yōu)榉穸ㄐ问?,I don’t think you are right.,(5) 在think,believe,imagine,suppose,guess,hope等動詞以及 I’m afraid 等后,可用so代替一個(gè)肯定的賓語

6、從句,還可用not代替一個(gè)否定的賓語從句:,—Do you believe it will clear up? 你認(rèn)為天氣會轉(zhuǎn)晴嗎? —I believe so. 我認(rèn)為會這樣。I don't believe so. (或I believe not.) 我認(rèn)為不會這樣。,(1) 一般情況下,賓語從句直接跟在謂語后;,Did she say anything about how

7、 we should do the work?,做介詞的賓語,(2) that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句只有在except, in, but, besides等少數(shù)介詞后偶爾可能用到,Your article is all right except that it is too long.,(3) 有時(shí)在介詞和其賓語從句的中間加形式賓語 it;,I’ll see to it that everything is ready.,在從句中作表語的從句稱

8、作表語從句。,that 引導(dǎo)的表語從句,II. 表語從句,that 僅起連接作用,無意義,在句中不作任何成分,通常不可省略。這種從句往往是對主句主語的內(nèi)容起進(jìn)一步解釋的作用。,The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking.,2. whether 引導(dǎo)的表語從句,連接詞whether起連接作用, 意為“是否、究竟、到底”(注意:if不能引導(dǎo)表語從句) 在句中也不作任

9、何成分。,The question is whether what man will turn up in time.,3. what, which, who, whom, whose引導(dǎo)的表語從句,連接代詞what, which, who, whom, whose除在句子中起連接作用外,還可在從句中從當(dāng)主語、表語、定語,且各有各的詞義。,Tom is no longer what he used to be.The questio

10、n is which of us should come first.,4. where, when, why, how引導(dǎo)的表語從句,連接副詞where, when, why, how除在句中起連接作用外,在從句中還充當(dāng)時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、方式、原因狀語,本身具有詞義。,That’s where I can’t agree with you.This is why Sara was late for the meeting.,5. 其

11、他連詞as if, because, as, as though 引導(dǎo)的表語從句,because引導(dǎo)表語從句通常只用于“This/That/It is because…”結(jié)構(gòu)中。,as if/though引導(dǎo)的表語從句常置于連系動詞look, seem, sound, be, become等后面,常用虛擬語氣,表示不存在的動作或狀態(tài)。,It sounds as if/though somebody was knocking at the

12、 door.My anger is because you haven’t written to me for a long time.,1. Go and get your coat. It's_______you left it. A. there B. where C. there were D. where there,,2. The problem is _______ he has enough

13、time. A. if B. whether C./ D. that,,3. He made a promise _______ he would help me. A. what B. when C. that D. which,,4. I remember _______ this used to be a quiet village.A. how B.


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