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1、Unit 1,教學(xué)目標(biāo),本課時通過4幅圖片讓你了解喜劇形式,你將學(xué)一些與表演有關(guān)的單詞。通過本課的學(xué)習(xí),你將了解笑有利于我們身心的健康。,Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,welcome to the unit and word power,Free talk,What kind of things can make you laugh ?,Enjoying interesting and funny

2、 pictures. Watch funny films.(comedies) Reading interesting books. Think of funny things. Hearing a joke.,,The funniest man you’ll ever see!,See Frank Funny bones at the Comedy Club this Tuesday at 9 p.m.Buy

3、your tickets now!,Talk about the pictures,Read what people have to say:“Amazing, I laughed until I cried.” ”you won’t be able to stop laughing.” ”funniest book of the year!”,Learn crosstalk.Lessons starting now!Le

4、arn traditional Chinese technique of crosstalk.,In the circus.Starring: liu you and Han moA comedy about life in the circus!In theatres this spring!,clown,Do the four posters share something in common? If so, what ar

5、e they? Which of the above events do you think will be the funniest?,discussion,What do you know about performing?,,↓,director,actor,actress,microphone,↓,stage,↓,↓,,,lights,costume,,,curtains,,Wing邊廂,,,Props道具,,Scenery

6、舞臺布景,Guessing game,1. The person who gives instructions to the actors in a film or play. 2. All the people who act in a play or film.3. The words of a play or performance that an actor learns.,director,cast,lines,4.

7、The written form of a play or film5. The instructions and advice given on where to stand on the stage.6. One of the main parts into which a stage play is divided.7. Plays which are very short. All the action occurs

8、 at one time , in one place,Script劇本,stage direction,Acts幕 or scenes場,One-act plays獨(dú)幕劇,cast 演員名單director 導(dǎo)演 line 臺詞 script 劇本 stage direction 舞臺指

9、導(dǎo) act 幕 scene 場 one-act plays 獨(dú)幕劇,Review the new words,scenery 舞臺布景prop 道具Costume 戲服 wing 邊廂 stage

10、 舞臺,Review the new words,adrama,Words related to a drama,,,,,,stage,others,script,cast,director,adrama,,Words related to a drama,,,,,,lights,curtains,wings,scenery,microphone,stage,others,script,cast,director,adr

11、ama,,,Words related to a drama,,,,,,,lights,curtains,wings,scenery,microphone,stage,others,script,cast,director,actresses,actors,adrama,,,,Words related to a drama,,,,,,,,lights,curtains,wings,scenery,microphone,stage,o

12、thers,script,cast,director,actresses,actors,lines,stage direction,acts,adrama,,,,,Words related to a drama,,,,,,,,,lights,curtains,wings,scenery,microphone,stage,others,script,cast,director,actresses,actors,lines,stage

13、direction,acts,scenes,adrama,,,,,Words related to a drama,,,,,,,,,,lights,curtains,wings,scenery,microphone,stage,others,script,cast,director,actresses,actors,costumes,props,lines,stage direction,acts,scenes,adrama,,,,

14、,,Words related to a drama,,,,,,Work in pairs and do part C onpage 7.,Fill in the blanks,,Answers: director lines stage acts scenes wings lights stage direction,,comedian,Why do people like funny things?,forget

15、about worries. keep us in a good mood. have positive attitudes towards our life. the best medicine. enjoy life better and live longer.,Do you think laughter is good for us ?,,Discussion,How can we put more laughte

16、r in our lives?read funny stories, watch funny movies and ……,keep childlike innocence,,(保持一顆童心),Enough is as good as a feast! For example, we’ve already had Porsche!,(要知足常樂,比如我們已經(jīng)擁有了“保時捷”),learn to share,havea young

17、heart,harmony with all kinds,havea goodsenseofhumor,have some true friends,have wisdom and courage,believe in yourself,enjoy the family,Finally,moneyisnoteverything.,smile more,Recite the words on page 6Preview

18、 reading.,Homework,Don’t worry, just follow the _______That you have learnt, and say your lines,and you will do fine!,be expected to be dressed in yourcostume and waiting in the _______at least one scene before you go

19、 onstage. If your character uses anyprops, make sure you know wherethey are before you go on stage. When you get on stage, you may be surprised by how bright the _______ are and how different the stage looks with

20、 the scenery.,the most believable way possible. Theother members of the cast can alsohelp you. When you get your scriptand are ready to begin learning yourlines, start by finding out when yourcharacter is on the ___

21、____. Look at yourscript, and make a list of which ______and _________ you are in. You will,If you want to be an actor , thereare certain things you will need toknow before you can be in a play.The first is to alway


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