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1、沈陽建筑大學碩士學位論文地下水源熱泵抽回灌水對地下水溫度場影響規(guī)律研究姓名:孟憲軍申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調(diào)工程指導教師:林豹2011-01碩士研究生學位論文 Abstract III Abstract As a technical method of using low- temperature ground heat resource,the under- ground water sou

2、rce heat pump has been applied widely in the field of building air- conditioning in recent years. The temperature field of central mining and recharging underground water,which has a critical infl

3、uence to the efficiency of heat pump unit and the continual use of under- ground water,is not only related to the geological condition of underground aquifer,but also to the parameter of engineering desi

4、gn of underground water heat pump system. In the paper,the heat migration mathematical model of bearing pressure aquifer is built in the method of numerical simulation,then the influencing facto

5、r of underground aquifer’ s evolution is simulated and studied through using FlowHeat that is a three dimensional finite difference simulation software.Select a project in Beijing for simulation,e

6、stablish concept model and mathematical model,compare the simulation result and actual measured data,and find the property of boundary condition of the established model,which provides foundation an

7、d reference for the follow- up study. Build the heat migration mathematical model of bearing pressure aquifer, then simulate the influence of the change of permeability and porosity to undergroun

8、d temperature field evolution. The result suggest:The influence of permeability and porosity to the temperature of pumping well is not significant. When horizontal permeability is not change,the

9、temperature amplitude of pumping well is not sharp along with the change of permeability ratio; when vertical permeability is fixed. The temperature amplitude of pumping well is on decrease alo

10、ng with the increase of permeability ratio. when the thickness of aquifer and the natural velocity of under ground water increase,the temperature amplitude of pumping well decreases. If acquitte

11、d intercalation exist in the aquifer, and pump on the top of acquitted intercalation, recharge under of it, the temperature amplitude of pumping well decreases significantly, when the thickness of

12、acquitted intercalation increases. Build the heat migration mathematical model of bearing pressure aquifer, then simulate the influence of producing well’ s structure and layout to under ground wat

13、er temperature field. The result indicates: While the filter of pumping well and recharging well increase, the temperature amplitude of pumping well decreases. For the thick aquifer,the position o

14、f filter in pumping well and recharging well has influence to the temperature amplitude of pumping well. When the filter of pumping well is installed on the top and bottom of aquifer,the tem

15、perature amplitude of pumping well decreases along with the increase of the distance between the filter of pumping well and recharging well. When the filter of pumping well locate in the midd


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