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1、分類號(hào):I206.7 密級(jí):公開(kāi)UDC: 800 學(xué)校代碼:11065碩士學(xué)位論文論 90 90 年代 年代“女性書(shū)寫 女性書(shū)寫”對(duì)西方女性主義文學(xué)理論的 對(duì)西方女性主義文學(xué)理論的“誤讀 誤讀”黃 麗指 導(dǎo) 教 師 李玉明 教授學(xué)科專業(yè)名稱 中國(guó)現(xiàn)當(dāng)代文學(xué)論文答辯日期 2 0 1 7 年 5 月 2 0 日AbstractThe Female Writing in the 1990s was a new stage and had a

2、wide impact in thedevelopment of Chinese feminist literature. In the paper, the important literary phenomenonof the new period is taken as the object of this study. In the view of Western Feminist LiteraryTheory (especia

3、lly the theory of “body writing“), this paper focuses the study of femalewriting in the 1990s on the acceptance of Western Feminist Literary Theory, the“misreading“ or “misunderstanding“ arising in this process and exami

4、nes its reasons by usingcomparative methods.The academia has discussed a lot about the influence and applicationof Western Feminist Literary Theory in China. However, for the use of a foreign theory, weinevitably have so

5、me lack of understanding, and some of which important issues do notcause enough attention and correction.This paper is divided into four chapters. The first three chapters focus on theories ofmisreading and misuse in the

6、 practice of female writing in the 1990s. It selects representativewriters and works in order to discuss the misreading in Chinese female writing in terms ofconnotation, concept, perspective writing and consumer culture

7、orientation based onfeminist theory and combined with narrative theory, comparative literature, consumerismculture communication and other theoretical research methods. The fourth chapter tries tomethodically analyze the

8、 reasons of above “misreading” on the basis of the first threechapters. This chapter also tries to find out the new ways of contemporary female writingmainly from the following three aspects---“the influence of Chinese c

9、ultural traditions andlimitations in social development stage”, “l(fā)imitations in female writers’ life experience” and“the lack of reading theory”.Female writing has an obvious effect on promoting female self-awareness. Ho

10、wever,we need to systematically analyze and study the misunderstanding in Chinese contemporaryfemale writing as it is obvious to see contemporary female writing and its development is notvery satisfying after “female wri

11、ting” in the 1990s. So there are radical critics that femalewriting has fallen into self-replication. This paper attempts to find the way to solve theproblem from the root of the theory, which is of great significance an


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