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1、 快樂常在 虛擬語氣練習(xí)題 虛擬語氣練習(xí)題 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: Part A. 1. If people ______(drive) more slowly, there wouldn’t be so many accidents. 2. If you had worked carefully, you _____(not make) so many mistakes. 3. The boat

2、wouldn’t have drifted away, if we _____ (tie) it up. 4. If I had known you already _____(have) a typewriter, I _____(not, buy) one for your birthday. 5. If he _____(be) here this afternoon I would go with him. 6. If i

3、t were to rain tomorrow, the match _____(postpone). 7. But for your help, we ______(not be) able to finish the work in time. 8. If it _____(not, be) for the leadership of the Party, we would not have achieved so much.

4、9. I wish I _____(study) hard while I was young. 10. It is about time that fence ______(mend). 11. My request is that we ______(hold) another session to discuss the problem. 12. It is strange that the car _____(break) d

5、own at exactly the same place where it _____(break) down yesterday. 13. The baby smiled as if he _____(understand) what his mother _____(say). 14. He talked as if he _____(do) all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I

6、_____(do) most of it. 15. If only we _____(have) a phone! I’m tired of queuing outside the public phone box. 16. ----- “Can we come in late tomorrow?” ----- “I’d rather you _____(come) in on time.” 17. He looks as if he

7、_____(be) ill for a long time. 18. He always talks as though he ______(address) a public meeting. 19. If a metal ______(heat), it will expand. 20. I _____(stay) home if it rains this evening. Part B. 1. She would call y

8、ou immediately if she _____(need) help. 2. If I had seen the movie, I _____(tell) you all about it now. 3. If he _____(decide) earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight. 4. _______ I _____(take) my umbrella

9、with me when I _____(come) out this morning, I _____(not be) so wet now. 5. If you had listened to me, you _____ (not be) in such trouble now. 6. I wish they _____ (stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrat

10、e on my work. 7. It is inconceivable that he _____ (not see) me that day for I ______(wave) to her. 8. What a pity that he gave orders that all those lovely trees _____(cut) down. 9. Mr. Jones would rather _____(stay)

11、 home last night. 10. Henry would rather that his brother _____(work) in the same department as he does. 11. Electric current flows through a conductor as though it _____(be) a fluid. 12. We _____(invite) her to the part

12、y but we didn’t know that she ______(already, come) back from abroad. 13. Today’s industrial production ______(be) impossible without the contribution made by the science of physics. 14. I hate driving. I’d much rather y

13、ou _____(drive). 15. The guests ______(arrive) last night, but there is still no news about them. 16. Mother_____(feel) anxious if I came home late. 17. Even if I ______(be) with you then, I ______(can, not, do) much for

14、 you. 快樂常在 A. circles B. is circling C. be circling D. were circling 16. The computer “teacher” was talking with his students as though it ______ a human teacher. A. was B. were C. had been D. be 17. Jan

15、e appears as though she _______ the secret. A. knows B. knew C. has known D. had known 18. If only she _______ of Aunt Ruth! A. was not terribly so frightened B. were not terribly so frightened C. be not so ter

16、ribly frightened D. were not so terribly frightened 19. -----“I think that the Smiths were embarrassed by Jane’s generosity.” -----“She insisted ______ it as a gift.” A. no them to accept B. their accepting C. tha

17、t they accept D. that they accepted 20. The chairman requested that __________. A. the members studied the problem more carefully B. the problem were more carefully studied C. the problem could be studied with m

18、ore care D. the members study the problem more carefully 21. -----“Did Kathy have any ideas for Jim?” -----“She suggested that he ______ a card with all of our names on it.” A. send B. sends C. to send D. sendin

19、g 22. The idea is that we _______ an unmanned spacecraft to explore the planet first. A. will send B. had sent C. send D. be sent 23. It is necessary that this machine-tool _______ every day. A. be oiled B.

20、oil C. is to be oiled D. oiled 24. -----“That’s a beautiful coat in the window.” -----“It certainly is. If I had the money ______ buy it.” A. I’d B. I’ll C. I may D. I shall 25. -----“Why didn’t you help h

21、im?” -----“I would have ______ I didn’t have the money.” A. if B. and C. but D. otherwise 26. Jill would rather we _______ now, but we must go to work. A. not leave B. had not left C. didn’t leave

22、 D. not to be left 27. I’d just as soon ________ those important papers with you. A. that you won’t take B. your not taking C. please don’t you take D. you didn’t take 28. The housemaster was very stric

23、t. He asked that we ______ television on week nights. A. not watch B. not be watching C. must not watch D. should not have watched 29. I hadn’t expected James to apologize but I had hoped ________. A. h


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