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1、International Journal of Computer Science 2) parallel development: the duty is clear and it is possible to partition the whole system into components so that different person could develop at the same time. The struct

2、ure is clear so as to easily integrate and maintain; 3) expansibility: Controller can expand with the module; 4) reusable quality: it can improve the reusable quality by encapsulated the business logic in the component

3、 [9]. The operation a process of the framework can be broken down into six steps. Following these steps shows the workflow of the framework. 1) A user sends a request to the controller. 2) The controller analyses the r

4、equest and calls the model (method in the class). 3) The model will perform the necessary business logic and connect the database. 4) The model transmits the result to the controller. 5) The controller forwards the re

5、quest to the view. 6) The request is complete when the result responds to the user. 2.2. The design of model We will use a class diagram to illustrate the model module. A Class diagram is a graphical model that shows t

6、he relationship between classes and shows what attributes reside in the class. They are useful for showing how models work. There are five classes in the model module: connectDB class, insert class, update class, delet

7、e class and select class. The Class diagram of the model module is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Class diagram showing the model module The connectDB class is superclass or parent class. There are three attributes (hos

8、t, user and pass) and two methods (connectDB() and selectDB()). The connectDB() method is the constructor that automatically executes at the time of object instantiation. It is used to initialize the host name attribu

9、te, user name attribute and password attribute. The selectDB() method is used to connect the hosting and select the database. The insert class is a subclass or child class that inherits from the connectDB class. There

10、are two methods (insert() and insert_func()). The insert method is the constructor that initializes the table name for insert statement. The insert_func() method is used to operate the inserting record inside table. I

11、n addition, the insert class also inherits the attributes and method from its superclass. The update class is a subclass or child class that inherits from the connectDB class. There are three methods (update(), update


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