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1、 南 京 理 工 大 學(xué)畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書(論文)作 者: 楊加意學(xué) 號: 號: 1010190210學(xué)院(系): 自動化學(xué)院專 業(yè): 電氣工程及其自動化題 目: 變壓器勵磁涌流識別方法研究指導(dǎo)者: 指導(dǎo)者: 評閱者: 評閱者: 2014 年 5 月王寶華 副教授講師 張慧麗畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計 說 明 書 ( 論 文

2、) 外 文 摘 要Title Title The Research on Identification of Transformers Inrush Current Abstract AbstractBecause of the iron core saturation, there has a large current in power tr

3、ansformer after both the external faults are removed and no-load closing, it is the inrush current. The current can reach hundreds times of the normal field current, value for the 5~8 times

4、of the normal rated current. It would make the waveform of electric voltage and current to distort, and produce the dead angle and a large number of harmonics, which the second harmonic is the most. This paper intr

5、oduce that using MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform to establish the corresponding simulation models, which is about the current in power transformer after both the external faults are removed and no-load clo

6、sing. Then analyzing the characteristics of the generated inrush current. Using the identification method which is combined with the mathematical morphology and the secondary wavelet transforms. Then building out the mor

7、phologic operator and to identify the symmetry excitation inrush current. After this, through the secondary wavelet transforms, observing whether there are the adjacent local model maxima that have the same operational s


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