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1、Key to ExercisesU1I1. tied with a ribbon for decoration 2. did not have a favorable or friendly feeling toward somebody3. something that could develop into a greater idea4. to be successful in life or at work 5. an inc

2、rease in the amount you are paid for work 6. used for emphasizing how little (there is of something) 7. serious formal study or research of a subject 8. being in a position that gives you an advantage or opportunity 9.

3、to yield/give in (The metaphor is a card game where a player is said to “fold” when he puts down his cards, realizing that he has a weak hand.)10. to keep matters enjoyable and not very serious11. earning (money) 12.

4、to be willing/inclined to do something13. to be the essential quality of a formal speech 14. publicity (used to talk about how often or how well or badly someone or something is described in newspapers or magazines)

5、15. the chances of something happening; the likelihood of being successful16. the newest and the most advanced 17. facility for physical exercise 18. (AmE. informal) to have fun eating, drinking, and dancing, etc. w

6、ith other people 19. (very informal) to be justifiably cheated 20. to be forced to give up 21. to oppose or resist stubbornly and obstinately 22. to attack, to pursue in order to oppose/argue against 23. to have s

7、omething as the most important part; to boil down to 24. planned direction in which a vehicle is moving 25. to add more details to make something more complete 26. for all involved or affectedV1. My father had some

8、unhappy experiences with lawyers and policemen (implying that he got into some trouble and was punished in some way) and therefore did not like lawyers and policemen. The speaker’s use of this unashamed admission about h

9、is father’s trouble with the law is humorous. 2. My father advised me to study literature since that was what I really liked. I had only 2. 取得一種成就;獲得一種技能/本領(lǐng)/功夫3. 不太喜歡,沒(méi)有好感4. 內(nèi)部消息5. 課程目錄6. 擁有大量資金的大玩家7. 首要的目標(biāo)8. 成功的前景9. 印發(fā)

10、證書(shū)10. 教學(xué)的基本原則11. 學(xué)術(shù)出版物12. 與這問(wèn)題無(wú)關(guān)13. (他)全身心投入14. 社交生活15. 建立關(guān)系網(wǎng)16. 為他們謀生計(jì)17. 視而不見(jiàn)18. 與美國(guó)結(jié)盟19. 德才兼?zhèn)?全面發(fā)展的學(xué)生20. 艱苦的任務(wù)21. 挖掘他們的資源22. 報(bào)界的惡評(píng)23. 最新、最先進(jìn)的健身設(shè)施24. 得來(lái)不易的智慧VII. 1. understatement2. metaphor3. simile4. oxymoron5. allit


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