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1、一、交際英語(yǔ) 一、交際英語(yǔ)1、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please?- ___________A:Who are you?B:Who is speaking?C:What's wrong?D:Why?答案 答案: B2、-We'll have a basketball match this afternoon. -__________. A:Good luckB:Never mind

2、C:Yes, pleaseD:It's nothing答案 答案: A3、_______ - Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.A:When did your parents arrive in Paris?B:How long have your parents been in Paris?C:Did your parents arrive in Par

3、is last Wednesday?D:When will your parents go to Paris?答案 答案: B4、- Thank you for inviting me.- ______________A:I really had a happy time.B:Oh, it's too late.C:Thank you for coming.D:Oh, so slowly?答案 答案: C5、- Excuse m

4、e, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- __________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it. A:I beg your pardon?B:What do you mean?C:You're welcome.D:Mm, let me

5、think.答案 答案: D二、閱讀理解 二、閱讀理解1、 There was once an ant that was very thirsty.有一只螞蟻很渴。B:F答案 答案: A(5)、The ant's friends saved the girl's life.A:TB:F答案 答案: A2、 Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the pla

6、ces you visit. 在英國(guó),住的地方隨著你游覽地點(diǎn)的不同而有所區(qū)別。 Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun.HostelsCheap, good-value hostels are aimed at all types o

7、f like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you don't have to be young or single to use them. Britain's independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices

8、vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhouse (臨時(shí)住房) while others are remarkably comfortable - almost like bargain hotels.Youth HotelsFounded many years ago to “help all, especial

9、ly young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside“, the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong in the 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway for expl

10、oring Britain's towns and countryside.B&BsThe B&B (bed and breakfast) is a Great British institution, In essence you get a room in somebody's house, and small B&Bs may only have one guest room, so you

11、'll really feel like part of the family. Larger B&Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome.In country areas your B&B might be in a village or an isolated farm surround

12、ed by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around £12 to £20 per person. City B&Bs charge about £25 to £30 per person, although they're often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs.Pubs &

13、amp; InnsAs well as selling drinks and meals, Britain's pubs and inns sometimes offer B&B, particularly in country areas. Staying a night or two can be great fun and puts you at the heart of the local community.R

14、ates range from around £15 to £25 per person. Pubs are more likely to have single rooms.(1)、In this passage the author mainly ________.A:tells us where to stay while visiting BritainB:advises readers to pay a visit to Br


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