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1、 2017 年上海市中考英語試卷 年上海市中考英語試卷I. Listening comprehension(聽力理解) (聽力理解) (共 (共 30 分) 分)A.Listen and choose the right picture(根據你聽到的內容,選出相應的圖片) (根據你聽到的內容,選出相應的圖片)1.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .B. Li

2、sten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根據你聽到的對話和問題,選出最恰當的答案) (根據你聽到的對話和問題,選出最恰當的答案)7.A.Pink.B.Blue.C.White.D.Brown.8.A.For one week.B.For one year.C.For two weeks.D.For two years.9.A.By

3、making a call. B.By sending an email. C.By writing a letter. D.By leaving a message.D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences 聽對話,完成下 聽對話,完成下列內容.每空格限填一詞 列內容.每空格限填一詞21.

4、21.Jessica was the website,so she is late for dinner.22.“Living green“is to take responsibility for protecting .23.Jessica tells her bad about some simple ways energy use.24.The guest speaker says that peop

5、le can wash clothes in .25.Dad thinks“l(fā)iving green“can also on the electric bill.Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(選擇最恰當的答案) (選擇最恰當的答案) (共 (共 20 分,每題 分,每題 1 分) 分)26.Which of the following underlined parts in different i

6、n pronunciation?( )A.fly B.lazy C.already D.cloudy27.Christine is selling her house,but on ______ other hand she doesn't want to move. ( )A.a B.an C.the D./28.We won!The honor belongs ______ all the member of our t

7、eam. ( )A.by B.of C.at D.to29.Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City ____ the airport. ( )A.at B.under C.on D.with30.The headmaster introduced ______ to the German visitors before the welcome party. (

8、 )A.we B.us C.our D.ours31._______ knowledge and experience are important to finish that task. ( )A.Either B.Neither C.None D.Both32.Did the policeman give much _______ on how to protect personal information?( )A.note


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