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1、初中英語語法總結(jié) 初中英語語法總結(jié)1.賓語從句:1.主句若是一般現(xiàn)在時,從句根據(jù)實際情況用適當(dāng)時態(tài)。He says(that) he will have a walk soon.The teacherasks who is the cleverest in the school.I want to know who came here late this morning.2.主句若是一般過去時,從句也要用過去時。He wondered

2、if I would come. She told me that her son had got well.She said that she liked watching TV. We thought Jim was wrong.3.無論主句是何時態(tài),從句若表客觀真理,要用一般現(xiàn)在時。Mr. Li said the moon is smaller than the earth.4 賓語從句無論有何引導(dǎo)詞,都要用陳述句語序。Could

3、 you tell me when you will get back to Wuhan?(不是 will you)Do you know which sweater she is wearing? (不是 is she)2.狀語從句:1 主句若是一般將來時、祈使句或含不表過去的情態(tài)動詞等,則 if(如果), unless(除非), when(當(dāng)…的時候), as soon as(一…就…), before,after, until,

4、till, as(當(dāng)…的時候)所引導(dǎo)的狀語從句用一般現(xiàn)在時。You may take a rest when you finish doing your work.I will call you up if I leave for Shanghai next week.Wait for your brother at the bus station until he arrives.2 而主句若是一般過去時,從句也要用過去時,如:I w

5、ould give the money to the charity if I had a million dollars.When he got to the park, his classmates had left.My son ran towards me as soon as he saw me on the street.3.定語從句: 關(guān)系代詞 who 只指人, which 只指物。 that 既可指人又可指物。whose

6、 后必須跟有名詞,既指人,也可指物。關(guān)系詞作主語時,不可省略,作賓語時可省略。whom 只指人,只作賓語。關(guān)系副詞 where 指“在那里”,when 指“在那時”。She is a girl who/that is beauti l and kind-hearted.She is a girl (who/whom/that) I know very well.He looks like his mother. That sounds

7、like a good idea.It smells like a flower. It tastes like salt.8.find 和 think 部分用法: + 賓語 + 賓語補(bǔ)足語。(代替賓從)賓補(bǔ)有以下情況:1.名詞短語,John found his son a clever boy.2.形容詞短語,Mrs. Smith thinks her husband kind of lazy.3.有時賓補(bǔ)后可接帶 to 不定式,I

8、found it hard to fool the girl.9.would like/want/feel like: 1 would like,和 want 類似:◇都可接名詞短語:I would like/ want another three desks. ◇都可接帶 to 不定式:I would like/ want to go out for a walk. ◇都可接 sb,然后再跟帶 to 不定式: I would like

9、 you to give me a hand.2 feel like: ◇后也可接名詞短語:Do you feel like some tea?◇后若接動詞, 須用動詞 ing 形式: Do you feel like having a walk? I don’t feel like drinking tea.【feel like 常用于疑問句或否定句中?!?0.詞序易錯的短語:1 形容詞修飾不定代詞或不定副詞,形容詞在后面。Is th

10、ere anything delicious in the fridge?Nothing serious. There is something wrong with the computer.I want to go somewhere warm.2 else 修飾疑問詞和不定代詞、不定副詞,也放在后面。What else can you see in the picture? Who else is in the room?Do y

11、ou have anything else to say? Where else can you see it?3 enough 修飾形容詞和副詞,enough 放在后面。This sweater is cheap enough. Nemo is old enough to work.He ran fast enough to catch up with the dog.11.對“評價”、“天氣”的提問之區(qū)別:1What do you

12、think of …?=How do you like …? “你對…怎么看?”(How…?句中有 like,是動詞。)2What’s the weather like in…? = How is the weather in…?“…的天氣什么樣?”(What…?句中有 like,是介詞“像”。)12.take, cost, pay, spend 區(qū)別:1 It + take + sb + some time + to do sth.I


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