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1、江蘇省2022年初三中考英語模擬試題(五)及答案 詳解一、單項(xiàng)選擇。l.Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your, you must keep moving.A. positionB. balanceC. promiseD. abilityJack is a lazy boy. He always some excuses for not handing in his homework i

2、n time.A. gives upB. takes upC. picks upD. makes up一 How about your journey to Canada? 一 Everything was wonderful except that our car. A. slowed down B. put downC. got down D. broke down—Tom didn't hand in his homew

3、ork in time yesterday. A. Neither Nora did B. So did Kitty C. Neither did Kitty D. Nora didn't, tooconcerts are never quite the same on the small screen.A. Lively B. AliveC. LivingD. LiveHe has little money that he

4、can't even afford to buy little sheep.A.so;so B. such;such C.so;suchD.such;soare crazy about listening to pop music in their spare time.A. Bill as well as Dick and LucyB. Neither Victor nor Tom C. Not only Tim but

5、also the twinsD. Either Anita or Jack一What do you think of idea of taking part in “Earth Hour9? 一Wonderful! I've never heard of one! We can reduce pollution in thisway.A. an; the better B. the; a better C. an; a bet

6、ter D. the; the best一Jane Eyre is certainly a great work though it was created many years ago. -lasting value it has!A. WhatB. What aC. How D. How aWe have been all these hard times. Don't let the pain influence t

7、he future.A. beyond B. outside C. through D. within—The film Hi, Mom is a huge success because it tells a great story. ——Yes. Filmmakers should pay attention to their works it can satisfy people's needs.A. though B

8、. unlessC. as soon as D. so thatOn Mother's Day every year, many sons and daughters go home,to see their mothers.A. carefully B. speciallyC. especiallyD. completelyJane is such a confident girl that she believes sh

9、e can the hard task alone.A. carry outB. turn outC. pick outD. give out—Mike doesn9t look well today. Could you tell me?——OK. He has got a toothache and didn't sleep well last night.A. what's the matter with him

10、 B. when will he see the doctorC. whether he needs a good sleep D. what was wrong with him—I promise I will work harder next week, Mum.一Well, just as the saying goes, “I do hope that you'll act right away.A. A frien

11、d in need is a friend indeedB. Many hands make light workC. The grass is greener on the other sideD. Actions speak louder than words二、詞匯。A.請根據(jù)括號(hào)中的中文提示/英文釋義或句意,寫出句中所缺單詞,使句子通順。1. The kids had a good time(控制)their toy cars

12、 together.2. He is often(誤認(rèn)為)for a girl because of his clothing.3. The principle (授予)the award to the most helpful student yesterday.三、完形填空。For many years T have been a proud dreamer. I could get lost in the clouds for

13、hours, dreaming of 1 to far away countries and enjoying different cultures there. My dreama bestselling author, changing people's hearts with my words, or a reporter, serving the people and giving 3 to those who have

14、 not been heard for centuries.I spend most of my time on dreaming. Whafs the problem with spending so much time dancing among sunset-painted cotton candy clouds? Well, the 4 is that my bare feetseldom kiss the earth, and

15、 by being lost in my dreams often, I become 5 from my ownreal life and out of touch with the people I love.“Stop dreaming. Be a doer not a dreamer/9 the famous television producer Shonda Rhimes described in her_6_fbr the

16、 graduating class of Dartmouth. “You just have to keep doing something, catching the next chance, staying open to 7 something new. It doesn't have to satisfyyour imagination of the perfect job or the perfect life. Pe

17、rfect is boring and dreams are not_8_. Just... DO.”O(jiān)ne of the hardest lessons a dreamer has to learn is that in order to cultivate (培養(yǎng))the type of life we fictionalize (幻 想)so often, we must match our dreams with_9_. Oth

18、erwise, as Shonda puts it, “Dreamers often end up living in the basement (地下室)of relatives.Another hard truth that we dreamers must 10 is that by being lost in dreaming, weoverlook (忽視)ourselves. We usually dream of beco

19、ming 11 else. We dream about theperson who is not us, and this is a problem because it 12 we would rather be othersinstead of ourselves.So this is me waving goodbye to my cotton candy clouds. I am 13 myself to meet mydre

20、ams with action. It won't be 14. Those light and soft clouds have been a great sourceof comfort through the endless thunder storms that have disrupted (JT 擾)my life.Ifs comfortable.However, as my best friend often 15


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