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1、河南大學碩士學位論文中學和諧師生關系建設探析姓名:軒闖申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):學科教學(思政)指導教師:馬進舉;蔣中興2011-05IIIABSTRACT Educational activities include teachers, students, teaching material, methods, and environmental factors. Teachers and students are the main b

2、earer of which is the most basic elements of the education system, and the relationship formed in the educational activities, says teacher-student relationship is the most fundamental and important one. It determines the

3、 quality of the reached level of teaching effectiveness directly. Under the background of building a socialist harmonious society, in-depth implementation of the “Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial) “(hereinafter r

4、eferred to as the new Curriculum Reform), “Political high school curriculum standards (Experimental) “(hereinafter referred to as New Standard) and “countries Long-term education reform and Development Plan “(2010-2020)

5、“(hereinafter referred to as “Education Plan “) announced, it is significant to discuss how to built a harmonious teacher-student relationship in the educational activities. Full-text consists of five parts: Part I: Intr

6、oduction. In this part the construction of harmonious teacher-student relationship problems in middle school, the research situation and methods are introduced, besides the definition is made of middle school constructio

7、n of harmonious teacher-student relationship. Part II: Discussing the necessary of constructing the harmonious teacher-student relationship the new historical period. This part is discussed from implementing people-orien


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