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1、山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文從消費(fèi)需求角度解讀我國貨幣流動(dòng)性過剩問題姓名:王雅靜申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):數(shù)量經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:杭斌2008-05-20IV Abstract In recent years, “ Excess Liquidity”has become the most frequent one of the key words in the Chinese economy discussion

2、, the problem of excess liquidity had aroused wide attention and research. The central bank also used up- regulating statutory deposit reserve ratio, raising interest rate, open market operation and other mul

3、tiple methods to recover liquidity, in order to governance the problem of excess liquidity in China. However, as of today, the issue is still outstanding, and has produced a series of negative effects to

4、 the economy and domestic living, solve the problem of excess liquidity has become an urgent task. Only solve the excess liquidity from fundamental, we can eliminate the risk of macroeconomic o

5、verheating, so as to ensure the rapid and healthy development of nation economy. In this paper, firstly introduced currency liquidity surplus overview in China, through described its current situation and neg

6、ative effect to economy, outstand the necessity and urgency of solving the problem of excess liquidity. Then analyzed China’ s high saving rate, which result in the consumption demand insufficient, ho

7、w to impact the problem of excess liquidity in China using theoretical and empirical analysis method. In the empirical analysis process, using the ratio of generalized monetary supply quantity to Gross Dome

8、stic Product to measure the “ excess liquidity” , using household saving rate to measure the consumption demand of our country. Through co- integration test, got the conclusion that there had a positive


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