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1、河北大學碩士學位論文中國癩蝗科Pamphagidae系統(tǒng)學研究(直翅目:蝗總科)姓名:李新江申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):動物學指導教師:張道川20040601Abstract The Pamphagidae, belonged to the superfamily Acridoidea, Orthoptera, mainly distributed in Eurasia and Africa, inhabited mountainous c

2、ountry or semi-desert country. 93 genera about 600 species and subspecies have been known in the world. There were 13 genera 48 species and subspecies in China, which distributed in the north a

3、nd north-west of China. This thesis was divided into two parts and studied on the systematics of Pamphagidae in China The first part included 5 chapters. In chapter one, the taxonomic history,

4、 the taxonomic status and general research situation of Pamphagidae were retrospect and summed up. In chapter two, morphology of Pamphagidae was introduced, the main morphology characters were described and some pic

5、tures of morphology characters were provided. In chapter three, chromosome C-banding karyotypes of 7 genera 11 species of Pamphagidae from China were investigated. The result indicated: 1) there were 2 types of c

6、hromosome sets in Pamphagidae: a) karyotypes with acrocentric chromosomes only (2n?=19, the mechanism of sex determination was XO(?), which were conservative); b) karyotypes with 2n?=16+neo-XY, the mechanism of sex

7、 determination was neo-XY (?); 2) there were differences among the species on the C-banding karyotypes, which would be used to distinguish species; 3) the relative relationships between Haplotropis an

8、d other genera in the study were distant, the relative relationships between Asiotmethis and Beybienkia, among Rhinotmethis, Filchnerella, Eotmethis and Pseudotmethis were close. In chapter four, based o

9、n the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA partial sequences of 15 species (9 genera) of Pamphagidae from China sequenced by the author and of some relative species indexed from GenBank, the homolo

10、gus sequences were compared and the molecular phylogenetic tree was constructed. The results of sequences compared shown that: 1) the content of T and A was richer than C and G in the 16S rDNA sequen

11、ce of Pamphagidae; 2) all of the transitions numbers within each pairwise of Pamphagidae taxon were larger than transversions numbers; 3) the 16S rDNA nucleotide divergence among species of Filchnerella were


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