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1、 編 號(hào): 碩士學(xué)位論文 碩士學(xué)位論文 題 目:大眾文化背景下青少年價(jià)值觀教育研究 培 養(yǎng) 單 位:馬克思主義學(xué)院 專 業(yè) 名 稱:思想政治教育 指 導(dǎo) 教 師:?jiǎn)未簳?教授 研 究 生: 楊文超 完 成 時(shí) 間:2015 年 06 月 02 日 沈陽(yáng)師范大學(xué)研究生處制 類 別 全日制研究生 √ 教育碩士 同等學(xué)力 II Research on teenagers' Valu

2、es Education under the background of popular culture Abstract In recent years, with the development of economy and the progress of science and technology, popular culture has rapidly developed in china.popular culture is

3、 different with other forms of culture,which is mainly characterized by popularity, entertainment,business and popularity,these characteristics make the popular culture in the ordinary people especially teenagers growing

4、 up,and extends to every corner of social culture. The main form of popular culture including film culture,television culture,popular culture, network culture, advertising culture and so on, these culture content content

5、 all the time not to appear in public especially the young people's life.It also brings the opportunity and challenge for the teenagers values education.In this context,based on a thorough research on the popular cul

6、ture, objective evaluation of the opportunities and challenges, deeply analyzing the reasons of popular culture to the teenagers challenge, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures according to the reasons

7、. The discussing above, this paper through the literature research method and comparative analysis.First of all,collecting and collating of a large number of popular culture and the teenagers values education literature,

8、detailed reading and thinking,with the deep research in the related content.In the process of writing papers, especially the countermeasure thinking part of teenagers values education under the background of popular cul

9、ture, using the comparison analytic method, comparative the related research of history and the present, foreign and domestic , providing the powerful reference for this article. Through the study of popular culture and

10、the teenagers values education, deeply study of the opportunities to the teenagers values education for content, ideas and status.And the challenges of popular culture to the teenagers values education that popular cultu

11、re raise the requirement for the subject of teenagers values education, enhance the value identity crisis of the teenagers values education and weaken the controllability of teenagers values education .Analysis of the re

12、asons form the social environment network environment, school education, family education and teenagers themselves several aspects.For these reasons,in this paper,the teenagers'values education under the background o


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