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1、推薦欄目:網(wǎng)絡(luò)祭奠祭拜免費(fèi)下載藝人專輯 推薦欄目:網(wǎng)絡(luò)祭奠祭拜免費(fèi)下載藝人專輯 海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰。現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語精讀第二冊練習(xí)與答案 海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰?,F(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語精讀第二冊練習(xí)與答案 2007-1-22 16:59:28 Lesson One Another School Year --- What For? I . Discuss the following questions: 1) Why did the prof

2、essor draw a line between training and education? In what way are they different? 2) Are universities only for job training according to the professor? What else should a student strive for in a university 3) How did the

3、 professor try to prove the importance of book-reading? 4) How would you respond if your brother or sister or your best friend declares that he/she is only interested in learning some job skill and therefore has no use f

4、or literature, politics, philosophy, history, art, music, etc.? 5) Discuss with or interview a classmate, find out his/her ideas, summarize them and report back briefly to the class: Is education for living or make a liv

5、ing? II. Vocabulary 1. Practice using the rules of word formation. 1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find identity __________ intense __________ just __________ 4) Complete the sentences based

6、on the Chinese given in the brackets. (1) If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it is a time for you to ________ (施肥 施肥) your lawn. (2) Just enjoy the little things you are doing. When you look back, yo

7、u will ________ (意識到 意識到) they were doing the big things. (3) Walt Disney ________(總結(jié)) (總結(jié))how he made his dreams come true in four C’s: curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy. (4) The plan was ________ (批評 批評) as

8、too idealistic and impractical. (5) The waste water is now ________ (凈化 凈化) and then used for irrigation. (6) The training courses aims to ________ (使合格 使合格) them as teachers of English. (7) How can you ________ (說明 說明 有

9、正當(dāng)理由的 有正當(dāng)理由的) your behavior? (8) The freshmen will first read some ________ (簡寫 簡寫) stories. (9) Books can be ________ (分類 分類) in different ways. (10) I was really ________ (害怕的 害怕的) when I was told that 500 million peop


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