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1、<p><b>  外文資料</b></p><p>  Can the iPad Save the Advertising Industry?</p><p>  One of the big questions surrounding the iPad is whether it will do for the publishing industry w

2、hat the iPod/iTunes combination did for the music industry. The quick answer is probably, but keep in mind the fact that the iPod didn't save the music industry as much as radically change it. In terms of sales, the

3、iPod unquestionably helped. However, it also profoundly affected the balance of power of those within it; musicians, music companies and consumers.</p><p>  A better question is whether the iPad can save the

4、 advertising industry, and the answer is that it probably will. With the iPad revolution, the change in the balance of power this time is between advertisers, publishers and consumers. Even at this point, it seems likely

5、 the biggest winners will be advertisers, and for several reasons.  A whole new ballgame</p><p>  The iPad is the first e-reader to offer a full color display and a screen close in size to the standard maga

6、zine page size. This by itself is major milestone, but when combined with the Apple online iTunes store business model, it becomes a game changing innovation. Add the potential the iPad has to link to ad servers to offer

7、 ads customized for the individual reader, and you have a full blown technological revolution.  The iPad format revolution</p><p>  One of the key aspects of the iPad is that it will allow advertisers to us

8、e their existing standard size marketing material, drastically reducing the cost of launching an iPad based campaign. Until now, any advertiser wanting to reach consumers on the move had to contend with a very small scre

9、en size and a variety of layouts with which to display their advertising and catalogs. This not only limited the effectiveness of the advertising, it also added the additional cost of creating or modifying </p>&l

10、t;p>  When the Apple iBookstore goes live we can expect to see a wide variety of new magazines, some on topics we never considered likely, or even possible. Advertisers will be able to target many consumers groups not

11、 economically reachable now. </p><p>  The expected increase in variety will be similar to the increase that resulted from desktop publishing 25 years ago. Before DTP came along typesetting a single page cou

12、ld run $50. This could add up to well over $2,000 for a 48 page magazine, an amount equal to the cost of printing a limited edition of the magazine. When typesetting became commodity priced it made a lot of publications

13、economically viable that weren't viable before. The same will happen due to the iPad eliminating the cost of pri</p><p>  The catalog revolution</p><p>  With its large color display, the iP

14、ad will be a great way to distribute catalogs in Acrobat PDF format. Companies have been doing this for years, but the catch is that consumers had to be in front of their computer to use the catalog. The iPad's main

15、attraction is its portability. Anywhere you could read a printed catalog, in your bed, on your sofa, on the commuter train, you can read an iPad. It's not too hard to imagine the Apple iBook store having a section ju

16、st dedicated to catalogs.</p><p>  Mixed news for publishers</p><p>  While advertisers may benefit from the iPad, the iPad is definitely a mixed blessing for the publishing industry. The iPad w

17、ill offer publishers a new distribution channel for full color publications, at the same cost as black and white, offering unprecedented time and money savings. However, those same qualities will act to lower the cost of

18、 entering the publishing industry, significantly increasing the competition. An increase in the number of advertising supported magazines will likely have a</p><p>  Good news for consumers</p><p&

19、gt;  While Apple is positioning the iPad as a multipurpose product, capable of running many different types of programs, it's likely most early purchasers will buy it for its e-book capability. Even avid Kindle reade

20、rs will find the iPad color and greater screen size hard to resist. </p><p>  Unlike the Kindle, with the right software the iPad should be able to display many off the shelf magazine collections currently a

21、vailable in DVD, like National Geographic, The New Yorker, or even Mad magazine. However, new collections of magazines might go even further by offering interactive ads tailored to the reader. </p><p>  Futu

22、re iPad ad server capabilities</p><p>  It's only a matter of time before someone develops a content publishing system that will allow customized ads embedded in iPad books and magazines. Even if Apple i

23、sn't working on this, which is a very big if, chances are other people are working on it, and that it will be available soon. With the Kindle, it was a moot point because the relatively small B/W display of the Kindl

24、e is not really suited for more than the most basic ads. </p><p>  The virtual book of the future</p><p>  The iPad will just be the first of a class of products that combine the format of a mag

25、azine with the ability to be electronically updated and the ability to present ads targeting the current reader. Interactive books are on the way, and so are interactive catalogs, and just in time.</p><p>  

26、With the radio audience lost to iPods, newspapers dying by the dozen, and TV markets eroding faster than Toyota's reputation for quality, advertisers need a new way to reach consumers. The iPad just might fill the bi

27、ll. The iPad can provide the sound of radio, the visuals of TV, the text of newspapers and the vast resources of the Internet, in one portable device that's as easy to use as a Mac. It's hard to imagine the adver

28、tising industry having a better tool. Now, we just have to learn how to </p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p>  iPod 可以拯救廣告業(yè)?</p><p><b>  周輝 譯</b></p><p> 

29、 困擾ipod的一大問題是,它是否會(huì)像iPod / iTunes組合為音樂行業(yè)所做的一樣,為出版業(yè)盡一份力。簡(jiǎn)單的回答是可能會(huì),但請(qǐng)記住這一事實(shí),與其說iPod拯救了音樂產(chǎn)業(yè)不如說是徹底改變了它。在銷售方面,毫無疑問iPod是有幫助的。然而,它也深刻地影響了其內(nèi)部各因素(音樂家,唱片公司和消費(fèi)者)之間的平衡。</p><p>  進(jìn)一步的問題是,ipod是否可以拯救廣告業(yè),答案是可能會(huì)。隨著ipod的這次改革,這

30、些權(quán)利平衡是在廣告商、發(fā)行商和消費(fèi)者之間變化的。即使在這一點(diǎn)上,由于某一些原因,廣告商似乎成為最大的贏家。</p><p><b>  一個(gè)全新的局面</b></p><p>  ipod是首個(gè)電子書供應(yīng)商,它所提供的電子書具有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)雜志頁面同樣大小完整的彩色顯示屏幕。這本身就是一個(gè)重要的里程碑,但當(dāng)它與蘋果的iTunes網(wǎng)上商店商業(yè)模式相結(jié)合時(shí),它成為一個(gè)改變游戲規(guī)則

31、的創(chuàng)新。將ipod的所具有的潛能與廣告服務(wù)商相連接,為每一個(gè)讀者提供個(gè)性化服務(wù),從而形成一個(gè)完整成熟的技術(shù)革命。</p><p><b>  ipod格式革命 </b></p><p>  在ipod的主要方面之一是,它將允許廣告客戶使用現(xiàn)有的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)尺寸的營(yíng)銷材料,大大減少了 ipod公司推出基于運(yùn)動(dòng)成本。到現(xiàn)在為止,任何廣告客戶想要迎合的移動(dòng)消費(fèi)者就不得不用一個(gè)非常小

32、的屏幕尺寸和布局,來展示他們的廣告和產(chǎn)品目錄品種。這不僅限制了廣告的有效性,同時(shí)也增加了創(chuàng)建或修改現(xiàn)有的材料,以適應(yīng)屏幕尺寸和品種布局的額外費(fèi)用。ipod 改變了其所有產(chǎn)品的布局成本,等同于幫助了廣告商節(jié)省了開支。預(yù)計(jì)新的多樣化的雜志只要蘋果iBookstore存在,我們可以期望看到一個(gè)新的、各種各樣的雜志,有些議題我們可能沒考慮到,甚至認(rèn)為不可能。這樣,廣告商就能夠?yàn)槟切]有能力支付雜志費(fèi)用的消費(fèi)群體服務(wù)。</p>&l

33、t;p>  預(yù)期的多樣性的增長(zhǎng)將會(huì)與25年前桌面出版所引起的增長(zhǎng)相似。在桌面排版取得進(jìn)展以前,一個(gè)單頁的排版需要50$。照這樣計(jì)算,出版一本48頁的雜志需要2000$而這相當(dāng)于出版一本限量版雜志的費(fèi)用。當(dāng)排版成為一種標(biāo)價(jià)商品時(shí),大量發(fā)行變得十分經(jīng)濟(jì),而這在以前是不可能的。如果ipod消減印刷成本,這種情形也有可能發(fā)生。</p><p><b>  目錄革命</b></p>

34、<p>  憑借寬大的彩色顯示屏,ipod將擁有一個(gè)很好的平臺(tái)來發(fā)行Acrobat PDF格式目錄。公司一直在從事這項(xiàng)活動(dòng),但前提條件是,消費(fèi)者不得不在他們的電腦前是使用該目錄。該產(chǎn)品的主要吸引力是它的可攜性。你可以隨時(shí)隨地通過iPod閱讀擬定的目錄,可以在您的床上,沙發(fā)上或者通勤列車上。可以想象蘋果iBook有一個(gè)專門的部門負(fù)責(zé)目錄這一環(huán)節(jié)。</p><p>  給出版商的一些好壞參半的消息<

35、/p><p>  盡管廣告客戶可以受益于ipod公司,但對(duì)于出版業(yè)來說,這絕對(duì)一個(gè)喜憂參半的消息。ipod公司為出版商的彩色出版物提供一個(gè)</p><p>  的分布渠道,出版這些的費(fèi)用與黑白出版物的費(fèi)用相同,節(jié)省大量的時(shí)間和金錢。然而,同樣質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品的出版所需的成本更低,大大增加了其競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力。給消費(fèi)者的好消息 雖然蘋果公司將ipod定為一個(gè)多功能的產(chǎn)品,可以運(yùn)行許多不同類型的程序。早期消費(fèi)者能

36、是因?yàn)槠渚哂须娮訒δ芏?gòu)買,即使是狂熱的讀者也難以抵制ipod靚麗的顏色和寬大的屏幕的誘惑。與點(diǎn)著蠟燭看書不同,ipod擁有特定的軟件,能夠顯示各類書架雜志,而這一功能目前只適用于DVD,像《國(guó)家地理》,《紐約人》甚至是《瘋狂雜志》。然而,這類新的雜志收藏能夠更進(jìn)一步為讀者提供互動(dòng)廣告。 ipod公司未來的廣告服務(wù)器功能 能否開發(fā)一個(gè)內(nèi)容發(fā)布系統(tǒng),將客戶化廣告嵌入ipod電子書和雜志中,只是一個(gè)時(shí)間問題。即使蘋果沒有進(jìn)行這個(gè)工作,這當(dāng)

37、然只是一個(gè)很大的假設(shè),其他人可能也正在研究它,那么它也將很快面市。 </p><p><b>  未來的虛擬書 </b></p><p>  ipod將會(huì)是第一批這樣的產(chǎn)品,它把雜志格式與電子更新功能和當(dāng)前讀者的廣告需求結(jié)合起來?;?dòng)式的電子書即將面世,接下來將是互動(dòng)式目錄,并且來得正是時(shí)候。 </p><p>  隨著電臺(tái)聽眾流向iPod,報(bào)


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