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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文楊氏《紅樓夢(mèng)》譯本的文化翻譯策略分析姓名:于本敏申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專(zhuān)業(yè):英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:王樹(shù)槐2011-05-21華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 IAbstract Hong Lou Meng, a classic novel about the feudal Chinese society, has touched almost every c

2、ultural aspect of the Qing Dynasty. As a highly artistic and cultural book it has aroused wide and incessant interest both at home and abroad. It is translated into many other languages and A Dream of Red Mansion transla

3、ted by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang has been considered as one of the best complete English versions. Based on the quantitative analysis of culture refraction index on the four cultural kinds of A Dream of Red Mansions,th

4、is thesis aims to conclude the cultural translation strategies that the Yangs have adopted. And based on the comparison of culture refraction indexes on different kinds, the differences of the cultural translation strate

5、gies of the Yangs and Hawkes are analyzed. Since 1970s a new perspective for the study of translation—“cultural turn” has drawn more and more attention and scholars began to set their eyes on the rendering of cultural

6、elements in translation. People of different nations have formed rather different cultures which have posed many difficulties for translators in translating. As an encyclopedic novel of Chinese culture, Hong Lou Meng and

7、 its English versions have aroused wide interest. Culture is composed of multiple kinds and the refraction indexes of different kinds may vary. The cultural translation strategies can be studied through the analysis of c

8、ulture refraction indexes of different kinds. Twelve parallel corpora are built, comprising examples on four cultural kinds (including the surface kind, the middle kind, the deep kind and the linguistic culture) which a

9、re selected from the first eighty chapters of Hong Lou Meng and A Dream of Red Mansions. The cultural refraction indexes of the four kinds are calculated through case-study. The Yangs’ cultural translation strategies are


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