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1、 I I 分類號: 分類號: 單位代碼: 單位代碼:10727 10727 密 級: 級: 學 號: 號:2013202220 2013202220 西安體育學院 西安體育學院 碩士學位論文 碩士學位論文 第 27 屆亞錦賽中國男子籃球隊

2、與對手的技術對比分析 A comparative Analysis on Technology between Chinese men’s Basketball team and the opponent in 27th Asian Championships 學 位 申 請 人 柴一丁 雷福民 教授 運動訓練 體育信息 指 導 教 師 學 科 專 業(yè) 研 究 方 向 2015 年 4 月 第 27 屆亞錦賽中國男子籃球隊與

3、對手的技術對比分析 II II Abstract Qualification for the Asian men's Basketball Championship as the Olympic Games and the world championships in Asia Division, is Asia's highest level of men's basketball game, on beha

4、lf of the Asian men's basketball at the highest level. The Chinese men's basketball team in 1975 for the first time to participate in Asian Championships, in in the 19th Asian Championships won 15 times, includin

5、g twice in five consecutive years and a four in a row, was the overlord of the Asian men's basketball in a well deserved. But the Chinese men's basketball team lost in the twenty-fifth asianchampionship, and four

6、 in twenty-seventh asianchampionship. Therefore, it is of great importance to find out the problems of the Chinese team and analyze the reasons of the failure. Using literature method, video observation method, logical a

7、nalysis and mathematical statistics, data on the 27th Asia Championship Men's basketball game, try to carry out the statistical descriptive statistics, chi square test, single factor variance analysis and rank correl

8、ation analysis, quantitative analysis the Chinese team lost the reason, and find out the factors affecting the outcome of the game. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. In the 27th Asia Championship all the teams part

9、icipating in the competition, Chinese team 2 stadium hit rate ranked fourth, lower than that of Iran, the Republic of Korea and Chinese Taipei team; three field goal percentage ranked seventh; free throws rate ranked nin

10、th. In this game, the Chinese team in the tournament, 3 points, 2 points ball and free throws are in a obvious disadvantage, the ability to shoot a poor score. 2. Offensive ability determines the outcome of the game. Com

11、pared to the 27th Asia Championship, the Chinese men's basketball team's offensive rebounds index and nine opponents, row containing the 7th position in the Chinese team, including 10 teams, and teams gap larger.

12、 Assists index ranked four below South Korea, Iran, and Chinese Taipei. 3. In the defensive ability, the twenty-seventh Asian Championships, the Chinese men's basketball team and 9 opponents compared to the 10 assist

13、s target ranked fourth in the team, lower than South Korea, Iran and Taipei. The India team defensive rebounds and steals the ball tied for fifth place; technology of China team and the Iran team had significant differen


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