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1、沈陽師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文從語義和交際翻譯視角對比《紅樓夢》詩詞中文化意象的翻譯姓名:王明申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué)(翻譯方向)指導(dǎo)教師:李云啟20100501ii Abstract Translation is a process of translating not only linguistic information of one language into another, but also cultura

2、l information of one nation into another. After Susan Bassnet and Andrew Lefevere put forward the concept of “cultural turn” in translation field, the role of culture in the process of translation has attracted more and

3、more attention. “Cultural image” was firstly proposed by Xie Tianzhen in his book Translatology published in 1999, which refers to the symbols that contain wisdom and historical culture of a nation and possessed of rich

4、and unique cultural connotative meanings. The put-forward of “cultural image” greatly widens the theoretical scope of translation studies and the translation of cultural image is an important means to disseminate nationa

5、l culture. Hong Lou Meng is among the greatest classical works of China and of the world. In this great novel, Cao Xueqin wrote more than two hundred poems, which are not only the indispensable parts of the whole work, b

6、ut also illustrate the spirits and the personal features of the characters. Moreover, these poems foreshadow the fates or destinies of the figures in the Grand View Garden. These poems boast of rich and enormous cultural

7、 images, which play an important role in conveying the connotation of the poems. Semantic and communicative translation theory is put forward by Peter Newmark, which has an important meaning for guiding translation prac


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